
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “R. Carvalho” ,找到相关结果约286332条。
Effect of a Single Shot Sciatic Nerve Block Combined with a Continuous Femoral Block on Pain Scores After Knee Arthroplasty. A Randomized Controlled Trial  [PDF]
R Carvalho, L Calixto, JP Bragan?a
Open Journal of Anesthesiology (OJAnes) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ojanes.2012.24025
Abstract: Background and Purpose: Postoperative pain after knee arthroplasty (TKA) is reported as severe in up to 60% of patients. Continuous femoral nerve blocks (CFNB) are a choice for major knee repair, but controversies remain about the need of supplemental sciatic nerve blocks (SNB) for better analgesia. Our aim is to assess the effect of the association of a SNB to a CFNB to reduce postoperative pain after TKA. Methods: A prospective randomized, single blinded, controlled study, on 50 patients undergoing TKA. Control group received a CFNB before general anesthesia; in the intervention group a single shot SNB was added after the CFNB was done. After the end of surgery all patients started a continuous local anesthetic infusion through the femoral catheter in the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit). Pain scores were measured in the PACU and at 12 h and 24 h postoperative using a visual analog scale (VAS). Results: VAS pain scores (mm) were lower and statistically significant for the intervention group up to 12 h postoperative: PACU admission mean VAS = 59.4 vs 30.2, P = 0.001; at 12 h mean VASr = 26.1 vs 9.2, P = 0.006; at 24 h mean VASr = 30.1 vs 32.7, P = 0.723. Conclusions: The association of a single shot SNB with a CFNB significantly reduces postoperative pain scores after TKA up to 12 h. At 24 h there are no differences between groups.
A hora da virada Time to turn the page
Carlos R. R Carvalho
Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/s1806-37132010000600001
Increased expression and purification of soluble iron-regulatory protein 1 from Escherichia coli co-expressing chaperonins GroES and GroEL
Carvalho, H.;Meneghini, R.;
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-879X2008005000009
Abstract: iron is an essential metal for all living organisms. however, iron homeostasis needs to be tightly controlled since iron can mediate the production of reactive oxygen species, which can damage cell components and compromise the integrity and/or cause dna mutations, ultimately leading to cancer. in eukaryotes, iron-regulatory protein 1 (irp1) plays a central role in the control of intracellular iron homeostasis. this occurs by interaction of irp1 with iron-responsive element regions at 5' of ferritin mrna and 3' of transferrin mrna which, respectively, represses translation and increases mrna stability. we have expressed irp1 using the plasmid pt7-his-hirp1, which codifies for human irp1 attached to an nh2-terminal 6-his tag. irp1 was expressed in escherichia coli using the strategy of co-expressing chaperonins groes and groel, in order to circumvent inclusion body formation and increase the yield of soluble protein. the protein co-expressed with these chaperonins was obtained mostly in the soluble form, which greatly increased the efficiency of protein purification. metal affinity and fplc ion exchange chromatography were used in order to obtain highly purified irp1. purified protein was biologically active, as assessed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and could be converted to the cytoplasmic aconitase form. these results corroborate previous studies, which suggest the use of folding catalysts as a powerful strategy to increase protein solubility when expressing heterologous proteins in e. coli.
Adriana Carla R. Carvalho
DLCV : Língua, Linguística & Literatura , 2007,
Abstract: This article aims at reviewing the most important schools of thought which undertook language acquisition as the main field of research. We depart from classical approaches to language, such as behaviorism and nativism, and discuss further developments on theories of learning and acquisition. Given the relatively scarse scientific literature on bilingualism, our goal is also put together some works on this subject-matter, while attempting to find resources to clarify a number of questions raised along the discussion, such as what is it that defines first, second and foreign language? Can a foreign language be acquired instead of learned? What role does context play in acquisition/learning process?
Algebraic solution of master equations
R. Rangel,L. Carvalho
Physics , 2003,
Abstract: We present a simple analytical method to solve master equations for finite temperatures and any initial conditions, which consists in the expansion of the density operator into normal modes. These modes and the expansion coefficients are obtained algebraically by using ladder superoperators. This algebraic technique is successful in cases in which the Liouville superoperator is quadratic in the creation and annihilation operators.
All-loop order critical exponents for massless scalar field theory with Lorentz violation in the BPHZ method
Paulo R. S. Carvalho
Physics , 2015,
Abstract: We compute analytically the all-loop level critical exponents for a massless thermal Lorentz-violating O($N$) self-interacting $\lambda\phi^{4}$ scalar field theory. For that, we evaluate, firstly explicitly up to next-to-leading order and later in a proof by induction up to any loop level, the respective $\beta$-function and anomalous dimensions in a theory renormalized in the massless BPHZ method, where a reduced set of Feynman diagrams to be calculated is needed. We investigate the effect of the Lorentz violation in the outcome for the critical exponents and present the corresponding mathematical explanation and physical interpretation.
Interior-Point Methods Applied to the Predispatch Problem of a Hydroelectric System with Scheduled Line Manipulations  [PDF]
Silvia M. S. Carvalho, Aurelio R. L. Oliveira
American Journal of Operations Research (AJOR) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ajor.2012.22032
Abstract: Transmission line manipulations in a power system are necessary for the execution of preventative or corrective main- tenance in a network, thus ensuring the stability of the system. In this study, primal-dual interior-point methods are used to minimize costs and losses in the generation and transmission of the predispatch active power flow in a hydroelectric system with previously scheduled line manipulations for preventative maintenance, over a period of twenty-four hours. The matrix structure of this problem and the modification that it imposes on the system is also broached in this study. From the computational standpoint, the effort required to solve a problem with or without line manipulations is similar, and the reasons for this are also discussed in this study. Computational results sustain our findings.
Application of Simplex Method in the Radiotherapy Treatment  [PDF]
Thais R. Salvador, Silvia M. S. Carvalho, Mayk V. Coelho
Applied Mathematics (AM) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/am.2016.717177
Abstract: This work presents an application of the Simplex Method for solving an optimal planning problem for cancer treatment by radiotherapy. Linear Programming can aid the optimal planning for radiation therapy, where the concern is to apply a high enough radiation in the tumor while saving significantly healthy regions or critical organs.
A “basicalidade” da cren a em Deus segundo Alvin Plantinga: uma apresenta o
Guilherme V. R. de Carvalho
Horizonte : Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religi?o , 2009, DOI: 10.5752/515
Abstract: O artigo apresenta a defesa da racionalidade da cren a em Deus desenvolvida pelo filósofo reformado Alvin Plantinga, a partir de sua redefini o como “cren a apropriadamente básica”. Após uma breve introdu o, que situa a epistemologia religiosa de Plantinga no contexto das transforma es recentes no campo da filosofia analítica da religi o, exp e-se a crítica de Plantinga ao fundacionalismo clássico, cujo colapso teria reaberto a viabilidade epistemológica da cren a em Deus. Segue-se a defesa plantingiana da cren a em Deus como cren a apropriadamente básica, que teria bases experienciais identificáveis, mas dispensaria qualquer evidência ou demonstra o racional, mostrando a orienta o firme da constru o plantingiana em dire o a uma forma plenamente externalista de epistemologia. O final do artigo oferece uma breve reflex o sobre o significado cultural e espiritual da epistemologia reformada de Plantinga. Palavras-chave: Cren a; Epistemologia; Externalismo; Fé e raz o; Filosofia reformada; Fundacionalismo. ABSTRACT The article presents a defense of the rationality of the belief in God, developed by reformed philosopher Alvin Plantinga, who redefined it as a “properly basic belief”. After a brief introduction to place Plantinga’s religious epistemology in the context of recent transformations in the field of analytical philosophy of religion, Plantinga’s critique to classic foundationalism, whose collapse opened the epistemological viability of belief in God, is exposed. Then, the article focuses on the Plantingian defense of belief in God as a properly basic belief, nased on identifiable experiential grounds but independent from all evidence or rational demonstration, thus showing the firm orientation of Plantinga’s construction towards a fully externalist form of epistemology. The conclusion offers a short reflection on the cultural and spiritual meaning of Plantinga’s reformed epistemology. Key words: Belief; Epistemology; Externalism; Faith and reason; Reformed philosophy; Foundationalism.
Evidences from link between quality and loyalty in eservice:an empirical study
R?mulo Carvalho de Oliveira
Sistemas & Gest?o , 2007,
Abstract: There has been a lot of research validating the link between service quality and customerloyalty in traditional (bricks-and-mortar) services. However, despite the strong growth of eservicesin recent years, there is still little rigorous empirical research examining this link insuch settings. The interest in examining this link in an e-service setting is in validating eservicequality as a lever that managers of e-service operations can employ to drivecustomer loyalty and, ultimately, profitability. Based on data from an online questionnaire ofcustomers of an e-banking service, this study employs structural equation modelling toexamine the link between web site quality and customer loyalty. We found a strong andsignificant link between the two constructs, suggesting that this relationship also holds in eservicesettings. This is an important result, given that loyalty has been generally consideredharder to achieve in e-services than in traditional services.

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